The City Manager's Office,
The City Manager, appointed by the City Council, is the Chief Administrative Officer. The primary responsibilities of the City Manager's Office includes:
- Advising and reporting to City Council
- Overseeing day to day operations of the City to include presenting a proposed budget for council approval
- Responsible for implementation of City Council direction
- Serve as the City's Chief Administrative Officer
- Management of all City staff
The City Manager and the current administrative staff includes:
Alun Thomas - City Manager
Natalie Arnett - City Secretary
Rudy Zepeda - Finance Director
Georgia Argentine - Community Services Director
Laurie L. Tollett - Communications Specialist
Lisa Snider - Municipal Court Administrator
Ramon Coven - Fire Marshal
Robert Shores - Interim Chief of Police
Billy Creppon - Street Department Superintendent
Becky McClain - Library Director
vacant - Chief Building Official
vacant - Building Inspector/Plans Examiner