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The Santa Fe Community Library opened the doors for business in September, 1975. The library collection, mostly donated books, was housed in 400 sq. ft. of an old WWII Army barracks and manned by volunteers. By 1982 the barracks could no longer house the growing library collection. A dedicated group of citizens established a Building Committee and with funds from community donations and grants from the Moody and Kempner Foundations was able to purchase a 1,920 sq. ft. metal portable building. This building was located across Hwy 6 from the barracks on land leased from the Santa Fe ISD. Continuous growth in circulation, services, programs and the library collection over the next five years again made the need for a larger facility apparent. In 1987, a permanent 6400 sq. ft. brick structure, on three acres was presented to the City of Santa Fe, by Mrs. Mae S. Bruce. The dedication plaque on the building states "This building is my gift to the Santa Fe Area as a legacy to the people who have contributed so very much to my happiness and success in business." The library collection was moved to the new site and renamed the Mae S. Bruce Public Library.
The mission of the Mae S. Bruce Library is to provide the means by which people of all ages, interests, and circumstances may avail themselves of the recorded wisdom, experiences, and ideas of others and to provide opportunities for personal, educational, cultural, and recreational enrichment through special programs and services.
Becky McClain
Mae S. Bruce Library
13302 6th Street
P. O. Box 950
Santa Fe, Texas 77510
Fax: 409-925-8697