(a Component Unit of the City of Santa Fe)
About the Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
The EDC is not a committee but is an official public body governed by State law. There are seven EDC Board Members appointed by City Council for staggered two-year terms. The EDC is funded by a half cent (0.5)% sales tax and has revenue of approximately $750,000 annually. Its budget is approved by the EDC board and adopted by the City Council.
As its name implies the EDC is charged with economic development within the city. Economic development can either be organic or planned. The board works to encourage and guide development in an effort to attract businesses that enhance and compliment the lifestyle of the residents as well as generate sales tax and jobs.
The EDC does not engage in developing property but provides resources, information, and incentives to private investors and property owners.
Meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the last Tuesday of each month at the Santa Fe City Hall Council Chambers and everyone is encouraged to attend. The meetings are open public meetings and we urge all to attend. If you have a particular topic you wish to discuss it is best to ask the EDC Director or the President of the EDC to add you to the agenda as a Scheduled Visitor. If you are on the agenda as a Scheduled Visitor the State Open Meetings Act we operate under allows us to respond to your questions and comments.
Otherwise, you can just show up at the meeting and speak as an Unscheduled Visitor. As an Unscheduled Visitor, the Board is not allowed under law to discuss an issue with you since it was not publicly posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. However, we can certainly listen and consider placing your idea or issue on the next agenda.
Powers Granted to Economic Development Corporations by Texas Statute
The Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979 gives cities the ability to finance new and expanded business enterprises in their local communities through economic development corporations (EDCs). Chapters 501, 504, and 505 of the Local Government Code outline the characteristics of Type A and Type B EDCs authorize cities to adopt a sales tax to fund the corporations and define projects EDCs are allowed to undertake.
Type A EDCs are typically created to fund industrial development projects such as business infrastructure, manufacturing, and research and development.
The City of Santa Fe formed a Type B EDC. The Type B sales tax may be used for any project eligible under Type A rules and several other project types, including quality of life improvements.
Type B corporations may pay for land, buildings, equipment, facilities, targeted infrastructure and improvements for: professional and amateur sports and athletic facilities, tourism and entertainment facilities, convention facilities and public parks; related street, water and sewer facilities; and to promote and develop new and expanded business enterprises, a Type B EDC may fund: streets, roads, drainage and related improvements; demolition of existing structures; general municipally owned improvements
President Bob Wylie - term expires September 2025 - Position #7
Vice-President Pam Schwertner - term expires September 2026 - Position #6
Secretary/Treasurer Terri O'Connell - term expires September 2025 - Position #1
Matt Crable - term expires September 2026 - Position #2
Ryan McCamy - term expires September 2025 - Position #3
Gary Summerville - term expires September 2026 - Position #4
Johnny Helpenstill - term expires September 2025 - Position #5
EDC Executive Director Rudy Zepeda
EDC Coordinator - Josh Dearing
Please click on the link below to review the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.