Bids and Requests for Proposals

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Diesel Fuel and Street Materials

The City of Santa Fe is seeking vendors to supply diesel fuel, motor oil, hydraulic fluid,  and street construction and maintenance materials for city operations.  Sealed bids addressed to the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Santa Fe, Texas, will be received at the office of Natalie Arnett, City Secretary, P. O. Box 950, Santa Fe, TX 77510-0950 until Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 2 p.m. and then publicly opened and read in the City Council Meeting Room at the same time and date for Diesel Fuel and Street Materials for the initial term of one beginning October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, with an option to extend the contract period for two (2) additional one-year terms upon mutual agreement between the City and the contractor

The bids will be awarded at the regular council meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 7 p.m. The city reserves the right to award a primary contract and a secondary contract to secure a backup contractor to be used in emergencies if the primary contractor cannot respond as needed. Specifications will be emailed to all interested vendors and are also available from City Hall, 12002 Hwy. 6, Santa Fe, Texas, or the city website at Bids and Requests for Proposals or Qualifications and by request to the City Secretary at citysecretary [at] (citysecretary[at]santafetx[dot]gov).          

The city reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to accept only those that are in the best interest of the City of Santa Fe.  The City reserves the right to revise or amend the specifications before the date set for opening bids.  Such revisions or amendments, if any, will be announced by addenda or addendum to these specifications.  Copies of such addenda so issued will be furnished to all prospective bidders. 

The unit price should reflect all charges, and the bidder shall advise if there is a minimum amount per order.  Prices quoted shall be firm for the entire term of the contract. Bidder must give full firm name and address.  Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes upon the blank forms provided and marked in the lower left-hand corner, “Sealed bid for diesel fuel and street materials.”  Bids cannot be altered or amended after opening time.  Any alterations made before opening must be initialed by the bidder or authorized agent.  Bids received after the time specified in the invitation will not be considered. 

Please direct any questions regarding these documents to Billy Creppon, Street Superintendent, at (409) 218-8656 or bcreppon [at] (bcreppon[at]santafetx[dot]gov)