Dirt request information:
The Street Department frequently cleans and grades road ditches throughout the city limits of Santa Fe. Citizens can make a request for the excess ditch dirt by completing the dirt request form and return it to City Hall located at 12002 Hwy 6, Santa Fe, Texas. Dirt will only be delivered to those who live within the area the ditches are being worked on. A property owner not wanting dirt cannot dictate to the City where the dirt goes. There is not a guarantee that dirt will be delivered.
- Complete the required dirt request form to release the city to dump the dirt onto private property and return it to City Hall
- The dumping area must be clearly marked
- Dirt will not be moved by the city once it has been dumped on your property
- The property owner must agree to spread the dirt within a 30 day period so as not to cause unsightly appearance and/or obstruct drainage
- The property owner will not hold the City responsible for damage or injury resulting from hauling dirt onto the property. This includes driveways, sidewalks, shrubbery, septic systems, etc.
- The City will not be responsible for pets or livestock that may escape during the dump time and the Street Department will not open and close gates to haul dirt onto the property