Burn Permits



The following requirements must be adhered to,

  1. The initiation of burning shall commence no earlier than one (1) hour after sunrise. Burning shall be completed on the same day not later than one (1) hour before sunset and shall be always attended by the responsible party during the active burn phase, when the fire is progressing. In cases where residual fires and/or smoldering objects continue to emit smoke after this time, such areas shall be extinguished if the smoke from these areas has the potential to create a nuisance or traffic hazard condition. In no case shall the extent of the burn area be allowed to increase after this time.
  2. The burn shall be monitored continuously by a responsible person who shall always maintain the burn within their field of view. A water hose and an adequate water supply shall be available. The burn pile shall be a minimum of 15 feet from any structure and adjacent property lines.
  3. Electrical insulation, treated lumber, plastics, clothing, cloth and fabrics, furniture, carpet, and appliances non-wood construction/demolition materials, heavy oils, asphalt type materials, potentially explosive materials, chemicals waste, and items containing natural or synthetic rubber must not be burned. The preceding list is intended to be indicative and not an exhaustive list of prohibited materials.
  4. At the discretion of the City Fire Marshal or his designee, any fire which is deemed to be in violation of this section or is determined to be a nuisance, a traffic hazard, or endangering a neighboring property, or deemed to be an endangerment to public health or safety, may be grounds for ordering a fire to be extinguished. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Fire Marshal or his designee in the performance of his duties.
  5. The authority to conduct outdoor burning does not exempt or excuse any person responsible from the consequences, damages, or injuries resulting from the burning and does not exempt or excuse anyone from complying with all other applicable laws or ordinances, regulations, and orders of governmental entities having jurisdiction, even though the burning is otherwise conducted in compliance with this section.


Permits are required to burn in the city limits.

Do you want to burn brush and limbs in the city limits of Santa Fe? Contact Fire Marshal Ramon Coven at (409) 925-6412 to schedule an inspection for Monday or Tuesday for him to inspect your burn pile for a burn permit. 

Burn permits are $10.00 for a 60 day permit and $50.00 for a yearly permit. A resident must acquire 3 consecutive 60 day burn permits without violations to qualify for a yearly permit.

A permit is also required for a bonfire and will expire per Fire Marshal' s instructions, at the cost of $10.00.

Commercial burn permits also may be acquired for larger parcels of land clearing at a rate of $25.00 per acre and can only be approved by the Fire Marshal.

Items that cannot be burned include:

  • miscellaneous trash, shingles, furniture, anything with asbestos, railroad ties, treated lumber of any kind, wire, household garbage, boats, barns, houses, etc.


The Fire Marshal's Office is located in City Hall at 12002 Hwy 6, Santa Fe, TX 77510. Please contact us if you have questions regarding burning in the city limits of Santa Fe at (409) 925-6412.

County residents must call Galveston County Pollution Control at (409) 938-2251 to obtain burning information and permits.