We are here to help with general guidance on zoning and land use in Santa Fe. The department reviews and provides information on requests for rezoning, special use permits, variances, and subdividing property. The department provides staff support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustments, and the Building Standards Commission.
The City of Santa Fe is now encouraging the submission of plat and zoning applications through our Citizen Portal. This will allow you to submit PDF versions of your applications directly to us for review. We are making this change so that you will no longer have to print multiple paper copies of your documents and have them hand-delivered to City Hall, saving you time, money and effort. You will also be able to pay your fees through the portal. Please follow this link to our Citizen Portal, scroll down to the bottom of the page to find your application documents, then press apply.
In order to ensure that the items brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission have been thoughtfully reviewed and discussed with applicants, the City of Santa Fe is establishing the following submission deadlines for all applications.
*If necessary
Beginning on July 1, 2022, the City of Santa Fe will no longer take approved plats to be recorded to the Galveston County Clerk's office. This will enable our applicants to get their plats documented on their own schedule.