Code Enforcement

violation sign

The Code Enforcement Department works directly under the Community Services Department. This department is provided to the community to be able report violations such as high grass, weeds, trash, rubbish, junk vehicles, or any other health violations that can be visible from the public view. In some cases, violations are also forwarded to the Galveston County Health Department.

The Code Enforcement Officer will investigate the violation complaint in a timely manner. When the complaint is validated, the Officer will provide a notice to the violator with at 10 day certified and regular mail notice, or a notice will be left on the premises regarding the violation. In some cases, the notice may be verbal and written. A followup inspection will take place after the 10 days have passed. If the property is in compliance, the Officer will dismiss the case. In the event that the violation has not been abated, the Officer will then forward the matter to the Santa Fe Municipal Court. The Court will summon the violator to court to visit with the Judge. The Judge then will have the overall decision on the case and may or may not present a fine to the violator. Court for code enforcement cases are held on the third Wednesday of the month. Cases are scheduled by court, not by code enforcement officers. All court notifications will be sent to the violator by court.

In some cases, the violator can be granted a time frame extension to abate the violation by the Code Enforcement Officer or the Judge.

The City of Santa Fe Code Enforcement office addresses complaints on properties within the city limits of Santa Fe. All properties with violations that are not in the city limits must be addressed by the Galveston County Health Department. There are some cases that the City and County work together to remedy a situation. You may contact the Health Department at 409-938-2251 or 409-938-2411. You may also visit to file an online complaint or get additional information.

If you have a violation matter, please contact the Code Enforcement Department at City Hall at 409-925-6412 or visit us at 12002 Hwy 6, Santa Fe, Texas 77510.

You may also complete the information requested below to file an online complaint.

***It is a violation of the Texas Health and Safety Code Section 365.012 to transport solid waste, (garbage, trash, etc.) from your property and dispose of it in any dumpster without the express permission of the owner and doing so constitutes illegal dumping.

The City of Santa Fe DOES NOT give permission to anyone to transport and dispose of their household refuse and/or solid waste in or around any dumpster located at facilities owned and/or operated by the City of Santa Fe.

The City of Santa Fe has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on illegal dumping, and violators will be fully prosecuted.

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