What is a comprehensive master plan?
A comprehensive master plan is a policy document that is used to help decision-makers guide Santa Fe's future! It also includes data and analysis that is informed by the local community, best practices, and development trends that relate to many facets of the city.
Why does Santa Fe need a comprehensive master plan?
As Santa Fe, Texas, continues to be developed, a comprehensive master plan will allow the City to organize and regulate the development. This will ensure that the VISION of Santa Fe is maintained as the City continues to grow.
The comprehensive master plan will provide three main benefits to the City:
Collective Vision: The Plan for Santa Fe will provide a forum for your business-owners, homeowners, and future developers to define a collective vision for your future. A clearly articulated image of your desired growth pattern will promote vibrant economic development and offer guidance for creating a sense of place unique to Santa Fe.
Broad Engagement: The Plan for Santa Fe will provide your community a means to balance competing interests. For example, your existing citizens may desire predictability, continuity and enhanced community appearance while your development community may want reliable policy decisions, efficient public investment, improved public safety, walkability, and mobility. Santa Fe will hold workshops and board meetings during the plan development which will find common ground for your public interests.
Funding Eligibility: Projects designed in accordance with a City Council approved comprehensive master plan that meets the requirements of Texas Local Government Code chapters 213 and 395 may rank higher for Federal and State funding.
In short, the answer to the benefit question is “Santa Fe will provide a clear vision, supported by the public, for the desired future City of Santa Fe.” Your neighbors to the north are almost built out. The growth wave flowing from Harris County is heading your way. You can either let others decide how Santa Fe, Texas, development patterns will look as they build your city piece by piece, or you can decide the future for yourself.
What does a comprehensive master plan include?
The comprehensive master plan will look approximately 30 years in the future to show how many people and how much business will be here, based on a lot of different data sources.
This information tells the city how much they need to plan for in order to accommodate the growth that is predicted to come.
This planning includes, but is not limited to:
- Land use & design
- Mobility & connectivity
- Parks & trails
- Fiscal & economic sustainability
- Development & infrastructure
- Public services
What can I do to participate?
You are the experts on Santa Fe, Texas - you live, work, play, in the City and know the details more than anyone else.
As we move through the planning process, we need YOUR help, as the experts, to tell us what we're missing or what to change.
Tell us how YOU want to see your City in 30 years.
As the process goes on, we will have more opportunities for you to leave feedback on this website, but we will also reach out to you in the City.